Friday, July 14, 2006

Screenshots (imagini) of my app as promised

My baby is kicking ;-) - romanian version

Tocmai am terminat noua versiune a aplicaţiei de completat diplome. Voi posta câteva imagini de prezentare în curând.

Câteva puncte forte:
  • preia date direct din tabele Excel; utilizatorul poate astfel să modifice datele direct în tabele
  • un editor vizual pentru crearea/modificarea şabloanelor (asta înseamnă că utilizatorul are libertate - nu mai plăteşte pentru a primi alte şabloane ;-) )
  • informaţiile legate de şcoală, preşedinţii de comisii, examene se inserează cu ajutorul meniului contextual
  • vizualizare înainte de imprimare
  • verifică dacă sunt corecte codurile numerice personale şi avertizează utilizatorul despre o eventuală eroare, afişând codul cu roşu
  • şi altele...

My baby is kicking ;-)

I have just finished the new version of my application. It is about printing on diplomas. I'll post screenshots soon.

A few features:
  • takes data from Excel tables
  • visual templates creator (this gives to user the freedom to change the existing templates, if the officialities change them, and no more paying for those kind of changes)
  • easy inserting predefined info
  • print preview
  • checks the correctness of Personal Numerical Code and warns the user by displaying it in red
  • etc.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Youngest NetBeans user

Roman Strobl (NetBeans evangelist) interviews a 15 year old kid. He supposes Collin is the youngest NetBeans user. But as Roman says: "I wonder if there is any younger member of the NetBeans community - if yes, please let me know".

Roman's weblog about this interview is here

You can find the interview here

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Last evening, my friend, Miţă, told me that his dog, Chanice, died. That's sad news, as he was very attached to her.

Chanice was a Rottweiler. A beautiful dog, with personality. She was smart, and Miţă had a special bond with her. I was amazed by the stories he told me about her.

Sorry, Miţă, sorry... This is for you.

My first post

:-) Well here I am. My first ever post. This will be a per event blog. For the start, I feel a bit lost. I hope I recover on the way.

See ya.